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Monroe Locally Grown Updates

Hi Everyone!

It has been a while since I sent out one of these emails. We have been closed for 2 weeks now and I am going to close for this week also. We had a possible Covid-19 exposure recently so my whole family and extended family were self quarantining. Everything was fine, all negative test results. The risk for us was low, but just knowing that there was a possible exposure, we wanted to be extra careful. So, while quarantining, I needed to cancel appointments that I will be making up this week.

One of the appointments I am very excited about, I am finally getting my Cottage Foods License inspection done this week! Once the license is approved, I will be able to bring some freshly milled whole wheat products to the market. I LOVE baked goods,so I am changing up some of my favorite recipes to incorporate healthy whole grains. Hopefully I will be sharing these with you soon!

We will also be doing a Giveaway on Instagram. For every friend that you tag you will receive an entry for a “Pie and Ice Cream” Giveaway. The pie will be baked by our fabulous Deer Creek Farm and the ice cream will be from Rock House Creamery. The ice cream is delicious! So jump on Instagram and start tagging! It should be up this evening.

I look forward to opening for orders Saturday, July 25 and pick up on Wednesday, July 29. I will be posting product updates on Instagram and Facebook.
See you next week! Have a great one!